We had our first big crop of squash this weekend. Golden zucchini, Black Beauty zucchini, Early prolific straight neck squash, and Fanfare cucumbers. This is only round one, so we will soon be forcing squash on everyone we know. I only wish the tomato plants would show signs of producing. Hopefully it is only the heat that slows them down. It's been 95 or so for two weeks, and we've been that long without rain, as well. Apparently it rained last night, but not much.
The zinnia seeds I planted are sprouting everywhere! Not so the bluebonnets. Only two germinated and the neighbors dog destroyed one of them. Grrrrrr.
Golden zucchini grow at the base of the plant, and are very hard to reach through the huge leaves. It's fun raising the big leaves of squash and cucumber plants to see what treasures are hidden beneath them.
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